Lecturers and Research Personnel


Shelby Dietz

Shelby Dietz
Senior Lecturer
email: [email protected]



Bruce Johnson

Bruce Johnson
Senior Lecturer
Harris-Warrick Lab
email: [email protected]

Linda Pesciotta

Linda Pesciotta
BioG 1440
email: [email protected]

Mark Sarvary

Mark Sarvary
Senior Lecturer
BioG 1500
email: [email protected]

Postdoctoral Associates and Fellows

Weiwei Chen

Weiwei Chen
Postdoctoral Associate
Fernandez-Ruiz/Oliva Lab
email: [email protected]

Olga Escanilla

Olga Escanilla
Postdoctoral Associate
Linster Lab
email: [email protected]

Ryan Harvey

Ryan Harvey
Postdoctoral Associate
Fernandez-Ruiz Lab
email: [email protected]

Nicholai Hensley

Nicholai (Niko) Hensley
Postdoctoral Fellow
Shaw Lab 
email: [email protected]

Jonathan Perelmuter
Postdoctoral Associate
Bass Lab
email: [email protected]

Monzilur Rahman

Monzilur Rahman
Postdoctoral Associate
Ellwood Lab
email: [email protected]


Heath Robinson

Heath Robinson
Postdoctoral Associate
Fernandez-Ruiz Lab
email: [email protected]



Joseph Ruesch

Joseph Ruesch
Postdoctoral Associate
Investigative Biology Teaching Laboratories
email: [email protected]

Jay Stafstrom

Jay Stafstrom
Postdoctoral Associate
Hoy Lab 
email: [email protected]



Wenbo Tang

Wenbo Tang
Postdoctoral Associate
Fernandez-Ruiz/Oliva Lab
email: [email protected]

Ralitsa Todorova

Ralitsa Todorova
Postdoctoral Associate
Fernandez-Ruiz Lab 
email: [email protected]

Deepthi Mahishi Vasuki

Deepthi Mahishi Vasuki
Postdoctoral Associate
Yapici Lab
email: [email protected]

Zhilei Zhao

Zhilei Zhao
Postdoctoral Associate
Goldberg Lab 
email: [email protected]

Matthew Zipple

Matthew Zipple
Postdoctoral Associate
Reeve & Sheehan Labs 
email: [email protected]

Research Associates

Haien Kim

Haein Kim
Research Associate
Yapici Lab
email: [email protected]


Christopher Jernigan

Christopher Jernigan
Research Associate
Sheehan Lab
email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.christophermjernigan.com

Matthew Taves

Matthew Taves
Research Associate
Sandkam Lab
email: [email protected]
Website: mdtaves.weebly.com

Zifang Zhao

Zifang Zhao
Research Associate
Antonio Fernandez-Ruiz Lab
email: [email protected]

Research Support Staff

Jeremy Cusker

Jeremy Cusker
Lab Technician
Sheehan Lab
email: [email protected]



Julie Carpenter

Julie Carpenter
Lab Technician
Goldberg Lab
email: [email protected]



Mary Beth Cassity

Mary Beth Cassity
Lab Technician
Sedigh-Sarvestani Lab
email: [email protected]



Eylssa Clark

Elyssa Clark
Lab Technician
Shaw Lab
email: [email protected]

Matt Einhorn

Matt Einhorn
Lab Technician
Linster/Cleland Lab
email: [email protected]


Brian Kardon

Brian Kardon
Research Support Specialist
Goldberg Lab
email: [email protected]

Margaret Marchaterre

Margaret Marchaterre
Research Support Specialist
Bass Lab
email: [email protected] 

Risa Mark

Risa Yamazaki Mark
Lab Technician
Ellwood Lab
email: [email protected]

Brian Miller

Brian Miller
Lab Technician
Bass Lab
email: [email protected]



Ryan Peterson

Ryan Peterson
Research Support Specialist
Sedigh-Sarvestani Lab
email: [email protected]



Tess Reichard

Tess Reichard
Lab Technician
Sheehan Lab
email: [email protected]

Jamien Shea

Jamien Shea
Lab Technician
Yapici Lab
email: [email protected]


Christopher Clark

Christopher Clark
Senior Scientist Emeritus, NBB
email: [email protected]

Walt Koenig

Walt Koenig
Senior Scientist, NBB
email: [email protected]
